Show that the class $P$, viewed as a set of languages is closed under union, intersection, concatenation, complement and Kleene star. That is, if $L1, L2 \in P$, then, $L1 \cup L2 \in P$,etc.
Show that if the decision version of the Hamiltonian cycle is polynomial-time solvable then so is the problem of finding a Hamiltonian cycle.
題目:if Decision Hamiltonian Cycle(DHC) $\in P
\rightarrow$ Finding Hamiltonian Cycle(FHC) $\in P$
1 | HCVertices(G) |
媽我找到答案了 裡面的problem 1
Show that the class $NP$, viewed as a set of languages is closed under union, intersection, concatenation and Kleene star.
Prove that P $\subseteq$ NP$\cap$ co-NP and if NP$\ne$ co-NP,then P$\ne $NP.
$P \subseteq (NP \ \cap \ coNP) \rightarrow P \subseteq NP, P \subseteq coNP$
so if $P = NP \\
\rightarrow NP \subseteq (NP \ \cap \ coNP) \\
\rightarrow NP \subseteq coNP \ 又 \ size(NP)=size(coNP) \\
\rightarrow NP = coNP$
$\because P \Rightarrow Q$ 等價於 $\bar Q \Rightarrow \bar P$
$\therefore$ if $NP \neq coNP$, then $P \neq NP$
Show that 2-CNF-SAT is polynomial time solvable.
CNF : conjunctive normal form,數位電路中的product of sum,例:$(A \lor B) \land (C \lor D)$
The subgraph isomorphism problem takes two graphs $G1$ and $G2$ and asks whether $G1$ is isomorphic to a subgraph of $G2$. Show that this problem is NP-complete.
- Subgraph Isomorphism Problem
Input :
graph $G_1$, $G_2$Output:
$G_1$ 是否與 $G_2$ 的其中一個 subgraph 同構
證明 Clique Problem $\propto$ Subgraph Isomorphism Problem
- 已知 CP $\in$ NPC
Input :
graph $S$, int $k$Output:
$S$ 是否存在一個 $k$-vertice 的完全子圖
- 輸入變轉:
- SIP的輸入 $G_1 = k$-clique:$O(N^2)$
- SIP的輸入 $G_2 = S$:$O(N^2)$
- 因為
CP(S,k) = SIP(k-clique,S)
- 所以 CP $\propto$ SIP $\rightarrow$ SIP $\in$ NP-hard
- 又 SIP $\in$ NP(簡單寫個NP演算法就知道了)
- SIP $\in$ NPC
Given an integer m-by-n matrix $A$, and an integer m-vector $b$, the integer programming problem asks whether there is an integer n-vector $x$ such that $Ax \leq b$. Prove that this problem is NP-complete.
- Integer Programming Problem
Input :
m*n matrix $A$, m-vector $b$Output:
是否存在一 n-vector $x$ 使得 $Ax \leq b$
證明 SAT $\propto$ Integer Programming Problem (IPP)
- 已知 SAT $\in$ NPC
Input :
CNF布林函式 $E(x) = C_1 \land C_2 \land … \land C_k$ , $x = { x_1,…,x_n}$
如 $C_1 = \lnot x_1 + x_3 + x_7$Output:
是否存在一組輸入當作 $x$ 使得 $E(x) = True$
- 變轉:
IPP的輸入$A = \begin{bmatrix}a_{11} & a_{12} & … & a_{1n} \\
… & … & … & … \\
a_{m1} & a_{m2} & … & a_{mn} \\
\end{bmatrix}$, $b = \begin{bmatrix}b_1 \\
… \\
b_m \\
\end{bmatrix}$, 其中各列 $a_i*b$ 對應到 $C_i$如:$C_1$ 對應 $(1-x_1)+x_3+x_7 \geq 1 \\
\rightarrow -x_1+x_3+x_7 \geq 0 \\
\rightarrow x_1-x_3-x_7 \leq 0 \\
\rightarrow a_1 = {1,0,-1,0,0,0,-1,…}, b_1=0$IPP的輸出改為:是否存在一 n-vector $x={0,1}$ 使得 $ A_x \leq b$,0 對應 $False$,1 對應 $True$
- 因為
SAT(E) = IPP(A,b)
- 所以 SAT $\propto$ IPP $\rightarrow$ IPP $\in$ NP-hard
- 又 IPP $\in$ NP(簡單寫個NP演算法就知道了)
- IPP $\in$ NPC
Given a set $S$ of integers, determine whether there exists a subset $A \subseteq S$, such that $\sum_{x\in A}x = \sum_{x\in S-A} x$. Show this problem is NP-complete.
- Partition Problem
Input :
set $S$Output:
是否存在 $S_1, S_2 \in S, S_1 \cap S_2 = \varnothing$ s.t. $\sum S_1 = \sum S_2$
證明 Subset Sum Problem $\propto$ Partition Problem
- 已知 SSP $\in$ NPC
Input :
set $S$, int $k$Output:
是否存在 $S’ \in S$ s.t. $\sum S’ = k$
- 變轉:
- PP的輸入 $X = S \cup {s-2k}$, $s = \sum S$
- 因為
SSP(S,k) = PP(X)
- 若左則右:若
成立,代表$S$中有subset $S’$ 加總為 $k$,則在PP(X)
中就可以將 $X$ 分為 $S’\cup {s-2k}$ 和剩下的一半,加總皆為 $s-k$ - 若右則左:若
成立,代表互斥子集 $S_1, S_2$ 加總皆為 $s-k$,且必定其中一邊含有 $s-2k$,將其去除後,該集合 $S’$ 加總為 $k$ 且 $S’ \in S$
- 若左則右:若
- 所以 SSP $\propto$ PP $\rightarrow$ PP $\in$ NP-hard
- 又 PP $\in$ NP(簡單寫個NP演算法就知道了)
- PP $\in$ NPC
An undirected graph $G$ is k-colorable, if we can color $V(G)$ using at most $k$ colors such that for each edge $xy$ in $E(G)$, its two end vertices are $x$ and $y$ are colored with different colors. Let k-COLOR denote the problem of determine whether $G$ is k-colorable. Show that k-COLOR is NP-complete for any constant $k \geq 3$.
3SAT $\propto$ 3著色 $\propto$ k著色
k Coloring Problem
Input :
graph $G$, int k , $k > 2$Output:
3 Coloring Problem
Input :
graph $G$Output:
證明 3SAT $\propto$ 3 Coloring Problem
- 已知 3SAT $\in$ NPC
Input :
formula $\phi$variables Set $X$, clauses set $C$ 靠 突然不會訂輸入Output :
- 變轉:
- 3CP的輸入G = $G_{\phi}$
然後如果要證明 3著色 $\propto$ k著色
- 四色的輸入為:我們只要在三色圖上面新增一個點,並且這個點跟其他所有的點都有邊
- 四色的輸出為:是否存在一種著色方法,只用四色就可以畫這張圖
假設原圖可以用3色著色,那剛才多加的那個點,一定會需要用到第四色,所以我們可以知道,要變轉到k色著色,只要幫3色圖的輸入加上k-3個點,且這幾個新增的點到每點都要有邊,這樣我們就可以證明 3著色 $\propto$ k著色了。
Show that the path cover problem is NP-complete.
- Path Cover Problem
Input :
graph $G’$, int kOutput:
是否存在一個path的集合 $S$, $|S|<k$, s.t. 所有點都在 $S$ 的任意元素(路徑)上
證明 Hamiltonian Cycle Problem $\propto$ Path Cover Problem
- 已知 HCP $\in$ NPC
Input :
graph $G$Output:
是否存在一cycle $c$ s.t. 所有點都恰在 $c$ 上出現一次
- 變轉:
- PCP的輸入 $G’ =$ 在原圖 $G$ 上找一個邊$(u,v)$,並在 $u$ 上接上一個新的點 $u’$,在 $v$ 上接上一個新的點 $v’$,形成的新圖當作$G’$
- PCP的輸入 $k = 1$
- 所以 HCP $\propto$ PCP $\rightarrow$ PCP $\in$ NP-hard
- 又 PCP $\in$ NP(簡單寫個NP演算法就知道了)
- PCP $\in$ NPC
List all NP-complete problems (and give proofs) that appear in Ex.1~6.
隔天要考就沒寫了系列 呵呵
Given a set $S$ of $n$ real numbers, another real number $M$, and an integer $k$, we want to determine whether or not there exist $k$ elements in $S$ whose sum is exactly $M$.
We are given an integer $k$ and $n$ objects which have to be placed in bins of equal capacity $M$. Object $i, 1 \leq i \leq n$, requires mi units of capacity. The objective is to determine whether $k$ bins are enough to accommodate all $n$ objects. No object may be placed partly in one bin and partly in another.
Given an undirecter graph $G$ and a number $k$ :
a) Is there a cycle of length $\geq$ k?
b) Is there a cycle of length $\leq$ k?
c) Is there a spanning tree with each node of degree $\leq$ 3?