NiNi's Den


Word count: 864Reading time: 5 min

Ask to input 400 chars, then take it as a 20*20 arry
Next the binary run a function to verify the array
If the verification were success, it would give you the SHA256 hash of you input, which is flag

Let’s take a look at the function I mentioned
There are 150 while loops in this function
Before loops, it initialize lots of variables
Those loops are all similar to each:

V1      <- fetch a local variable
counter <- call addition function to determine how many time to loop

fetch a char from UserInput according to V1
the int(char) can only be 1~9, or fail
the int(char) can not repeat in this while loop, or fail
add the int(char) to local variable (sum) of this loop

sum should equal to a certain value, or fail

!!Notice that if verification was failed, the binary would not stop immediately, it only set the flag to false

It’s not so hard to find out that you can do some symbolic execution to get the right input
But there are so many loops and so many variables
This is a ppc problem (っ・Д・)っ

Because I don’t know how to quickly get the address that I want to put into the avoid of angr’s explorer, I decided to use z3 solver.

For convenient, let’s name some weird function.
Most of them just return the argument directly, so I named them nothing
Some function would return the argument adding by a number, so I named them plus_(number)
OK, I dumped psudocode to sakura_de.c and seperate the syntax of initializing local variables to a text file, variable

Now, all I need to do is to write a script to generate a z3 script

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re

f = open("./sakura_de.c", "r").read()

#get the variable and constraint of every loop
idx = re.findall("v[0-9]* = \(__int64 \*\)nothing_[0-9]*\(\(__int64\)\&v([0-9]*)\)", f)
loop_n = re.findall("v[0-9]* = plus_([0-9]*)", f)
con = re.findall("\( v[0-9]* \!= ([0-9]*) \)", f)

f = open("./variables", "r").read()

#get the local variable on stack
equ = re.findall("v([0-9]*) = ([0-9]*);", f)
stack = [0]*1944
for ( x , y ) in equ:
stack[int(x)] = int(y)

get_stack = lambda a,b: (stack[int(idx[a])+b*2] + (stack[int(idx[a])+1+b*2] <<32))

z3_code = """
#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from z3 import *

s = Solver()

#add constraint to z3
for row in range(20):
for col in range(20):
name = chr(ord('A')+row) + str(col)
z3_code += "{} = Int('{}')\n".format(name,name)
z3_code += "s.add( 0 < {} , {} < 10)\n".format(name,name)

for j in range(150):
loop = int(int(loop_n[j])/8)
this_loop = []
for i in range(loop):
xx = get_stack(j,i)
row = xx&0xffffffff
col = xx>>32
this_loop.append((row, col))

for i in range(0,len(this_loop)-1):
(row, col) = this_loop[i]
a = chr(ord('A')+row) + str(col)
for k in range(i+1,len(this_loop)):
(row, col) = this_loop[k]
b = chr(ord('A')+row) + str(col)
z3_code += "s.add( {} != {})\n".format(a, b)
z3_code += "s.add("
for i in range(len(this_loop)):
(row, col) = this_loop[i]
a = chr(ord('A')+row) + str(col)
z3_code += " {} + ".format(a)
z3_code += " 0 == {})\n".format(con[j])

z3_code += """
m = s.model()
sakura = [0]*400

for i in m:
row = ord(str(i)[0]) - ord('A')
col = int(str(i)[1:])
sakura[ 20*row + col ] = str(m[i])

print ''.join(sakura)

exec z3_code

sakura_de.c (partial)

__int64 __fastcall sub_850(__int64 UserInput)
v604 = (__int64 *)nothing_16((__int64)&v904);
v754 = plus_16((__int64)&v904);
while ( v604 != (__int64 *)v754 )
v1 = *v604;
*(&OutPutArray[20 * (signed int)v1] + SHIDWORD(v1)) = *(_BYTE *)(UserInput + 20LL * (signed int)v1 + SHIDWORD(v1));
v454 = *(_BYTE *)(UserInput + 20LL * (signed int)v1 + SHIDWORD(v1)) - '0';
if ( v454 <= 0 || v454 > 9 )
Success = 0;
if ( (v304 >> v454) & 1 )
Success = 0;
v304 |= 1 << v454;
v154 += v454;
if ( v154 != 17 )
Success = 0;
v155 = 0;
v305 = 0;
v605 = (__int64 *)nothing_16((__int64)&v908);
v755 = plus_16((__int64)&v908);
while ( v605 != (__int64 *)v755 )
v2 = *v605;
*(&OutPutArray[20 * (signed int)v2] + SHIDWORD(v2)) = *(_BYTE *)(UserInput + 20LL * (signed int)v2 + SHIDWORD(v2));
v455 = *(_BYTE *)(UserInput + 20LL * (signed int)v2 + SHIDWORD(v2)) - 48;
if ( v455 <= 0 || v455 > 9 )
Success = 0;
if ( (v305 >> v455) & 1 )
Success = 0;
v305 |= 1 << v455;
v155 += v455;
if ( v155 != 3 )
Success = 0;

variables (partial)

v904 = 1;
v905 = 6;
v906 = 2;
v907 = 6;
v908 = 1;
v909 = 7;
v910 = 2;
v911 = 7;
v912 = 2;
v913 = 1;
v914 = 3;
v915 = 1;
v1312 = 2;
v1313 = 2;
v1314 = 3;
v1315 = 2;



Publish date:November 7th 2017, 4:39:57 pm

Update date:May 5th 2018, 12:55:16 am

License:This article is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0
